About Julie Mittleman

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So far Julie Mittleman has created 244 blog entries.

Car Owners And Vicarious Liability In Pennsylvania

The legal doctrine of vicarious liability refers to liability imposed [...]

Car Owners And Vicarious Liability In Pennsylvania2023-04-14T21:29:41+00:00

Can I Sue Someone Who Isn’t A Physician For Malpractice?

Properly litigating a personal injury case ensuring that our clients [...]

Can I Sue Someone Who Isn’t A Physician For Malpractice?2023-06-07T14:37:02+00:00

Can An Employer Terminate Workers” Comp Benefits?

Employers may request an order terminating an employee’s workers’ compensation [...]

Can An Employer Terminate Workers” Comp Benefits?2023-06-07T14:36:26+00:00

Can An Employer Tell An Injured Worker What Doctor To See?

When a work-related injury occurs, the process of an injured [...]

Can An Employer Tell An Injured Worker What Doctor To See?2023-04-14T21:31:10+00:00

Can An Employer Modify Workers” Comp Benefits?

Under certain circumstances, an employer may reduce or modify an [...]

Can An Employer Modify Workers” Comp Benefits?2023-06-07T14:31:40+00:00

Can An Earlier Personal Injury Lawsuit Affect A Present Personal Injury Lawsuit? Part 2

Here is the link for part one of this blog. Defense attorneys [...]

Can An Earlier Personal Injury Lawsuit Affect A Present Personal Injury Lawsuit? Part 22023-06-07T14:32:32+00:00

Can An Earlier Personal Injury Lawsuit Affect A Present Personal Injury Lawsuit? Part 1

Properly litigating a personal injury case to ensure our clients [...]

Can An Earlier Personal Injury Lawsuit Affect A Present Personal Injury Lawsuit? Part 12023-06-07T14:31:12+00:00

Brush The Snow Off Your Car. It’s The Law! Almost.

Last year at this time, the House failed to adopt [...]

Brush The Snow Off Your Car. It’s The Law! Almost.2023-04-14T21:33:37+00:00

Bayer Will Pay $10 Billion+ to Settle Roundup Cases

Sometimes a widely-used product has unusual and unpleasant results. For [...]

Bayer Will Pay $10 Billion+ to Settle Roundup Cases2023-04-14T21:34:01+00:00

Avoiding Electrical Hazards At Work

In 1906, over a century ago, James Powell, Sr. founded [...]

Avoiding Electrical Hazards At Work2023-06-07T14:30:15+00:00
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