Are You Unable To Continue Working? Your Disability Options: SSDI
Are you unable to continue working? Do you have a disability that prevents you from being gainfully employed? You have options. Federal law provides benefits for those who meet the qualifications of the Social Security [...]
Are You Entitled To Disability Benefits? Establishing A Disability, Part 2
Applicants for disability benefits who provide the Social Security Administration (SSA) with timely, accurate, and complete information and evidence will typically help accelerate the processing of their claim. Once an applicant establishes the existence of [...]
Are You Entitled To Disability Benefits? Establishing A Disability, Part 1
The assistance of an experienced disability attorney may help navigate the typically long and complicated process of applying for disability benefits. For 113 years, Powell, Zero, Mundy has obtained benefits for disabled working Pennsylvanians and effectively assist clients [...]
Are You A Construction Worker? Special Criteria Must Be Considered to Consider You An Independent Contractor
If a person works or performs services in the construction industry, Pennsylvania Law, specifically, the Construction Workplace Misclassification Act (Act 72), mandates that certain additional requirements must be met for a construction worker to be [...]
Are Psychological Work Injuries Compensable In Pennsylvania?
Did you know that psychological and mental injuries may be compensable under the Workers’ Compensation Act? Therefore, it’s important to know that these types of injuries are divided into three distinct categories, and each one [...]
Applicants For Disability Must Meet Two Earnings Tests
For an applicant to be eligible for disability benefits, he or she must meet two earnings tests. The first test is a recent work test, based on the age of the applicant at the time that [...]